Parents are expected to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help their children progress by paying attention to their attendance, punctuality and discipline and to take interest in their child’s work. They should check the diary every day and note the instructions given. They are advised to check the bags of their wards to see if any circular / notice / invitation etc. has been issued. Parents are also requested to acknowledge the communication sheet in the school diary by signing.
Parents / Guardians are requested not to approach the teachers for private tuition of their wards. If any student is found guilty of doing so, then strict action will be taken against both the parties. The teacher and the student might be asked to leave school. If any kind of help is required, then the parents / guardians are requested to get in touch with the Principal and assistance may be considered as per the convenience of the school and / or the teacher.
All communications with school should bear the scholar no., class & section of the student.
The students are strictly advised not to bring costly items to school like electronic gadgets, gold, jewelry and excessive cash with them. The school does not hold any responsibility for the loss of such articles or cash.
Parents are requested to keep a proper check on the belongings of the student. In case of any objectionable thing is found with them, strict disciplinary action can be taken.
Use of mobile phones is highly restricted inside the school premises and the students are not allowed to bring Mobile phone with them.
All belongings of the students should bear their name, class & scholar no.
The school management reserves the right to waive off any of the rules contained in the Prospectus without assigning any reason or any prior notice.
The interpretation of any rules contained herein, as well as any amendment to it, rests, solely, with the school management, whose interpretation shall be final and binding and are liable to alternation without prior notice.
Parents who do not abide by the rules and regulations of the school as agreed at the time of admission may have to withdraw their wards.
Fee once paid, neither, be refunded nor transferred to any other account.
The Security / Caution money will be refunded on production of original receipt (See withdrawal also).
Every endeavor will be made to ensure the safety and welfare of the children. However, the school shall not be held responsible for claims arising out of physical injury and material loss due to accidents.
The parents / guardians are not allowed to see students or interview teachers during class hours without permission of the principal.
Use of profane words, insulting language or immoral behavior will be considered a serious offence that can amount to the student’s expulsion from the school.
No parent shall offer any gift or gratification to any member of staff. Parties to any member of the staff or other functions arranged in their honour require prior permission of the management.
School property should be handled with care. Any damage done will render the students liable for the recovery of damages. Besides a fine of negligence will be imposed.
A student may be expelled from the school due to irregular attendance, misbehavior, and disobedience or on using unfair means in examinations.
T.M. (Parents Teachers Meeting) is arranged by the school, time to time. Dates of which are notified accordingly. The parents are requested to attend these meetings for fruitful interaction, which are indispensable for the proper education and progress of their child.
The students are advised to report in full uniform to school. Anybody found untidy or reporting late shall be sent back home.