School buildings, classrooms, playgrounds and libraries are the most important aspect of infrastructure in school. The class rooms are well-ventilated, well-designed, child-friendly and are well-constructed with an enriched learning environment. Well-equipped labs helps to perform lab activities more effectively. Utmost care is given to safeguard the students and top priority lies in round the clock surveillance of the campus which is covered with CCTVs. The Building is powered with 24 hours of solar electric supply.
Nursery and Prep classes are arranged in a manner to develop experiential learning, innovative practices, promoting joyful learning, conducive learning environment, critical thinking through books, toys, educational aids and smart classes, child centric environment make these learners grow independently.
A beautifully well designed, attractive, safe and hygienic play room is provided to learn for the tiny tots.

There is no better way to learn the various aspects of science than discovering them hands-on. At our school Labs, we encourage to do experiments that are quite challenging, under the supervision of our educators. It helps in understanding the finer points and remembering them better.
The Labs and hands-on activities helps to learn the subject matter and reinforce their understanding of complex scientific topics. Practical’s hold a special significance for young learners. They are given special consideration as they are necessary to stimulate scientific attitude, creative mind, critical thinking and improve vocational skills. To boost up their interest in the subject the labs are well equipped and well-designed for strong science education. It nurtures their natural curiosity, aesthetic sense and creativity.
The physical infrastructure, storage, teaching facility, demonstration table are all provided as per the standard operating system.
Laboratories aim to create opportunities to provide students with hands on experience of laboratory experiments, to bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and their application in everyday life. Students can also learn technological and scientific skills if they participate in various laboratory exercises. The school has well equipped laboratories where practical’s are given special consideration as they are necessary to stimulate creativity, curiosity and critical thinking among students.
The school has well equipped observing and experimenting laboratories of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Computer Science for strong science education.
As per the NCERT Learning Outcomes at Senior Secondary Stage, the learners are expected to:
- Develop interest to study physics as a discipline
- Realize and appreciate the interface of physics with other disciplines
- Understand the relationship between nature and matter on scientific basis, develop positive scientific attitude, and appreciate the contribution of physics towards the improvement of quality life and human welfare
- The learning is holistic integrated enjoyable and engaging and lays emphasis on experimental learning in all stages.

- The Chemistry lab has two wide doors for unobstructed exists from the laboratory.
- Safe and sieve storage of all equipment’s.
- Careful suspension of student while doing practical work.
- Availability of First Aid and basic medical facilities in the school.
- Students are enabled to develop per caption of chemistry not only as a discipline of science but let them realize the need and importance in the world around us.
- The school provides opportunities to students for hands-on learning to observe, experiment and innovate.
- In the study of science, practical’s are given special consideration as they are necessary to stimulate creativity, curiosity, engages students to think critically, thus boosting their interest.
- It is equipped with specimens & slides with both plants and animals and relevant charts according to the board’s syllabus. All the instruments required for smooth conduct of practical is also available.
- Weekly checking of the laboratory is done by efficient science faculty members.

We have a well-equipped Mathematics Laboratory that motivates the students and creates an environment to learn mathematics. Mathematics has to be learned by doing and not by rote memorization. Therefore a suitable place for performing activities has been provided to the learners as a child is placed in a problem-solving situation through self-exploration and discovery.
A Mathematics lab provides an opportunity to exhibit the relatedness of mathematics concepts with everyday life. The lab enables the students to verify various identities and formulae used in Algebra, 3-D models of solid figures, abstract mathematical concepts.
We have well-designed two computer laboratories for both the senior and junior wing.
Computer Literacy has become an integral part of today’s education system as it
Lab activities develop practical skills
Application of IT tools make them techno savvy.
Junior wing-Latest version 20 Computers, CPU for Nursery to V.
Senior wing-Latest version 20 Computers, CPU for VI to XII.
In today’s digital era, where technology dominates our lives the school has all the facilities of windows, internet, multimedia for its children which is easily accessed to cater to the needs of the technological era. The computers are connected to centralized data centre. The students are given laboratory facilities for practical’s assessments
- Global Computer Networks.
- Course wise timetables and batches are made available.
- Supervision and monitoring is done by expert laboratory In-charges who are technocrats.
Competency-based assessments and diagnostic tests are conducted for developmental purpose.

Library plays half fundamental role in learning process and holistic development of students. The wide variety of books including fiction and nonfiction in different languages is a mode of enhancing reading habit among the students and providing them with an effective leisure.
The humongous amount of reference books, Encyclopedias and Dictionaries help the keen readers to satisfy their quest and rejoice the process of learning.
The school has well-documented library policy document that covers, Library Rules, Weeding, discarding policy, vast collection of books that brings transparency in library operations.
Interactive learning sessions are held in the audio visual room which is well equipped with a LCD and a large screen, a wide screen television DVD players, CDS on different subjects for different classes. It is a place where the students of all classes experience learning in an effective way. New teaching techniques are used. PowerPoint presentation and slide shows enhance learning.